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A Saudi banker in love with what excites the eye, mind and senses..

Saturday 21 August 2010

The Road

I read The Road while on my vacation to Istanbul.
For anyone of you who have read the book you know how melancholy it is .. Well reading it while sipping sugar- free lemonada and enjoying the sounds of the crushing Marmara waves just felt like quite a contradiction to the heartbreaking plot , being in total bliss I decided got me to better absorb the raw emotions surrounding it. Ironic.

Earlier this summer I organized a book club and August book would be our second ! I think I would have never picked the book for a vacation read but being in the book club votes fell upon it for August. I'm happy that all members are taking it seriously and reading so how can I not!!!. I did enjoy it and came to count my blessings while getting some color.
My meeting with my book buddies is tomorrow, can't wait to discuss it!


  1. Oh how I love book recommendations!! I usually go through a book a week! :-)

    Happy Weekend Dear! xo

  2. thanks Jen you too!
    aren't books amazing?! feel free to recommend cause I too love recommendations :)
